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Welcome to Boyd Ag, LLC

#1 Custom Boom Supplier!
Ask us about our NEW Dealer Program and your future savings!

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Boyd Ag, LLC provides an upgrading solution for your booms on your sprayer equipment with Full Aluminum Booms and Extensions. The Boyd Boom has been constructed to be sturdier for the more diverse farm and commercial market condition of North America. Aside from the more obvious reasons of a lighter overall sprayer weight, larger swath, increase in machine control and better allocation of horsepower, the Boyd Boom; further and most importantly cuts down on operation hours. Less hours on a machine allow the operator a significantly higher trade in value and less physical deterioration of equipment.


As for Extensions, we offer a 120' Aluminum Boyd Extensions designed to extend your 90' or 100' boom to 120'. These extensions are built for John Deere Sprayers 4720, 4730 and 4830. In addition, a new 120' extension is available for the R Series John Deere. If you need to extend to 132' on the R series, we offer a 120-132' extensions set.


We also offer 60/90' and 60/100' Replacement Extensions for the same John Deere models for those that need to replace the secondary and breakaway due to damage or function failure. For Case Sprayers, we offer a 120' extension that is built for most Case Sprayers that fold over the top and just like the John Deere 120' Extensions, it is installed at the 60' mark.


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